Expanded Experience
23 Feb 21:00 — 24 Feb 04:00
Expanded Experience is a night programme that celebrates 25 years of Sonic Acts to the fullest. Over the years, after dark, Sonic Acts has always been dedicated to exploring radical AV or sonic stimulations in various immersive, expanded and full-on sensory artistic expressions. Carefully composed to extract the maximum from the interaction of space, time and audiences, these nights can shake you to the core, dilate your pupils, amplify your tinnitus and expand your mind. Get ready for the 7-hour ride into the strobe-and-fog-infused church of Paradiso!
Grote Zaal
Breathe With Cube
21:00 — 21:15 Lyra Hilllive a/v in 3d
21:15 — 21:30 HC Giljelive a/v
21:30 — 22:00 Jonas Berslive a/v
The Informals / Неформалы
22:00 — 22:30 Polina Medvedeva, Andreas Kühnelive a/v
Phantom Exhaustion
22:30 — 23:00 Drone Operatør, Mette Rasmussendrone + saxophone
Entropik Archive
23:00 — 23:30 Clausthome, Mārtiņš Ratnikslive a/v
23:30 — 00:10 9T Antiope, Rainer Kohlbergerlive a/v
00:15 — 00:21 Zeno van den Broekfilm
Keith Fullerton Whitman and Pierce Warnecke Duo
00:30 — 01:00 Keith Fullerton Whitman, Pierce Warneckelive a/v
Agent Im Objekt
01:00 — 01:30 Jung An Tagenlive a/v
Claude Speeed, Sasha Litvintseva and Beny Wagner
01:30 — 02:00 Claude Speeed, Sasha Litvintseva, Beny Wagnerlive a/v