The retro-futuristic ensemble gamut inc consists of a growing number of autonomous music robots, which are controlled live through a computer. At their performance at Sonic Acts, gamut inc will play an accordion-like instrument, equipped with a wind machine, solenoids and motors which allow continuous modulation of tone and air-flow; noise generators – built of multiplied cabasas – a pitch-shifting timpani with multiple solenoid beaters and a miniature carillon: a glockenspiel-like instrument, which metal bars are hit on different position by computer-controlled solenoids. And a banjo, expanded by a bottleneck-type linear actuator, electro-magnetic string drivers and motorised plectra. In addition to these instruments, gamut inc uses live audio-signals from the instruments to modulate the sound. A hybrid structure of instrumental-, robot- and electronic music. During the course of three days the machines will run as an installation, while on Friday night they will play two concerts.