Accidental Geopoetics
an introduction to navigation infrastructure of Sonic Acts Festival at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Revealing and hiding are two basic principles of design practices. Sometimes, uncovering the hidden layers of planetary apparatuses of extraction and exploitation might be the way to theorise about design and also to reinvent the pathways of its execution and its potential to provide new perspectives on the political responsibilities related to our planetary embeddedness.
Script by Lukáš Likavčan and The Rodina.
Intervention performers: Karl Moubarak, Trang Ha, Yessica Deira, Ilja Schamle, Anna Schlenker, Niels Lütken, George Fejer, Linnea Thomander, Sarah Saleh, Youngji Cho, Summer Lee, and Unige Bagdi.
Commissioned by Sonic Acts as a part of Re-Imagine Europe, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.